Nano Parmin Khavaran is an emerging knowledge-based company specialized in the field of nanoclay production. Founded in 2018 and certified by Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council, it is a privately held and sole company in the field of nanoclay manufacturing in Iran.

The most striking goal in this journey, as our main mission, is to be responsible and committed as well as being creative. Thanks to the scientific, energetic and motivated R&D team, the company has developed and patented diverse kinds of nanoclays under two main subcategories of Blocktone and Paintone.

Our focus is to respond the increasing demands for higher quality and durability in a wide range of industries from polymer and paint to bitumen and agriculture. The nanoclay powder brings about astonishing physical and mechanical properties in the target industrial products, such as the enhanced gas and vapor barrierity, improved chemical resistivity, flame retardancy and remarkable antibacterial activity, providing scientific, innovative and sustainable remedies for many industrial challenges.

P.S. Parmin, in Persian, means a piece of crystal.